Today I got a quite unusual request from a friend in Nikkaluokta. She was asking if I had any images of reindeer similar to the style Nick Brandt sometimes uses with animals. So I went through my archives if there were any images similar in style. Of course there is a huge pile of reindeer […]
Read More ›People often ask me, what drives me to visit Sápmi (called Lapland by some), in particular the regions North of the Arctic Circle, again and again. I just returned back to Germany after some weeks in Nikkaluokta in the northernmost part of Sweden. And many people again ask me “Why? Why would anyone go there […]
Read More ›Similar to last year, I spent some weeks in and around the small settlement of Nikkaluokta in Swedish Lapland to work/help out and also for some skiing vacation. Getting there: My plan was to arrive in Nikkaluokta just in time for the big get together of staff and locals at the Kebnekaise mountain station. However, this […]
Read More ›We just set up the Gállok Protest Art Exhibition in Galleri Skáidi, Nikkaluokta. Given the many painted fabrics and other pieces of art — and last but not least the hundreds of small rocks with signatures — this took quite a while and did cost some sweat. Thanks to Nils Joel for his help. Background: At Gállok […]
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